Micro CV Grant Frequently Asked Questions
Grant Background and Information
What is the CARES Act
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27, 2020. You can view the full CARES Act by clicking
What is the Community Development Block Grant - CARES (CDBG-CV) Direct Grant Program?
New Hampshire’s Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA) is responsible for administering the federal funds allocated by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to the state of New Hampshire to support the Community Development Block Grant – CARES program.
The CDBG-CV grant awards are to cover or reimburse costs to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus pandemic.
How much can I receive?
Eligible microenterprises, start-ups, and small businesses may receive up to $2,500.
Do I have to repay this money?
No, you do not have to repay this grant award.
If I’m selected, how long do I have to use the funds?
Funds must be used by December 31, 2021.
Why do I have to submit a claim to receive these grant funds?
Because these are federal grant funds, they must be tracked accordingly. Claims may be made for reimbursement of a previously incurred cost, or other documented eligible expenses.
Eligibility and Fund Usage
How do I know if I’m eligible?
• Are you a for-profit entity with five or fewer employees, where one of more of whom owns the business
• Are you currently in operation or, if not in operation, have an intent to open?
• Is your primary office or place of business located within Grafton County?
• Is your total household income classified as low/moderate by HUD? To qualify as LMI, an individual’s total annual family income must be less than or equal to 80% of the HUD median family income for the county or area where they reside. View the HUD Median Family Income Documentation System; select New Hampshire as the state and your town/county of residence.
I’ve already received funds to respond and/or recover from the Coronavirus pandemic for my business. Am I still eligible for the CDBG-CV grant?
GRDC will work with you to determine how previously received funds were used and to ensure non-duplication of this grant. Please be sure to disclose any previously received funds during the application process.
What can it be used for?
Eligible expenses include business costs, such as rent, staffing, equipment purchases, utilities, PPE, and minor construction or modification projects.
I have a minor construction project that is COVID-related. Why is the grant award only $1,999?
Construction, alteration, or repair work that exceeds $2,000 that is financed in whole or in part with CDBG or other federal funds, regardless of the CDBG amount, will trigger Davis-Bacon wage rates for the project.
Read more here.
Getting Started
How do I apply?
There is a multi-step application process. If you meet the eligibility criteria (see above), the GRDC team will work with you on the formal application process.
• If you meet the eligibility requirements (listed above), you can begin with filling out our application.
• After the application, you can fill out the Micro-CV Family Income Verification form.
• You should also begin the process of acquiring a DUNS Number, if you don’t already have one. After both forms are completed, a GRDC team member will reach out to you to discuss next steps.
• You will also be asked to work with GRDC to complete a Duplication of Benefits worksheet and Service agreement.
What’s a DUNS Number and how do I get one?
A DUNS Number is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses that identifies a company’s Dun & Bradstreet business credit file. It links to a profile that shows business information, including contact data, corporate structure, and financial health indicators. A DUNS Number is required for anyone applying for federal grant funding. Typically, this process can take over 30 days, however, businesses applying for funding purposes can be expedite their request here.
Be sure to have on hand two of the following documents for the DUNS application process:
• Secretary of State Articles of Incorporation
• Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Confirmation Letter
• Employer Identification Number (EIN) Confirmation Letter
• DBA/Assumed Name Certificate Filing
• Lease Agreement
• Utility Bill
What is a Duplication of Benefits?
Per the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, a duplication of benefits occurs “when a person, household, business, government, or other entity receives financial assistance from multiple sources for the same purpose, and the total assistance received for that purpose is more than the total need for assistance.” HUD requires grantees, such as CDFA and GRDC, to have “procedures in place to prevent the duplication of benefits when it provides financial assistance with CDBG-CV funds.”
A GRDC team member will work with you on this process to ensure the right information is collected.