We know how hard it is to take care of the children AND your business. So let us help. We can connect you with:
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All you have to do is email Michelle Beaudin at [email protected].
Beyond the resources that GRDC can provide, we encourage you to investigate these statewide resources for family childcare providers:
Child Care Aware provides support and professional development for providers in NH. There is a specialist there who works exclusively with family childcare providers.
NH Connections is a website maintained by DHHS that connects families, providers, and others involved in early care and education. There are many resources for providers you can find there including:
SELA is a web platform that puts more than 2,000 resources at your fingertips! It is a one-stop shortcut for finding best practice tools, templates and tip sheets, and purchasing discounts. If you’re wondering what they have, a reference sheet of the resources available can be found here.
Best of all, SELA has two options: free and premium. Free members get access to most resources, while premium members get access to resources AND consulting to make sure you are taking advantage of all the resources available on the SELA platform. You can sign up for SELA here.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children who are enrolled at participating providers. You can find the application and all the rules on the website.
PTAN is a grant-funded statewide technical assistance and training network that promotes quality, developmentally appropriate and culturally competent early childhood education and special education programs in New Hampshire. PTAN is the implementer of the Pyramid Model for NH and provides both group trainings and individual consulting and coaching. In addition, the PTAN Child Care Inclusion Project provides FREE (grant-funded) services to NH child care teachers and directors to support their successful inclusion and retention of children with challenging behaviors and other special needs. You can reach out for help from PTAN by calling 603-865-7145 or emailing Hillary Pincockes, the PTAN Project Coordinator at [email protected].